Monday, August 11, 2008

February 2006

John Sinclair delivered a bowl of coleslaw. While you may agree with John and myself in thinking that it doesn't look fantastic, you'd be wrong if you thought that it's cosmetics relate in any way to it's flavour. The fried pumpkin seeds made it stand out, John. A great side dish, with top marks for the decievingly apathetic way it was presented. In terms of popularity with the Joe Public, when everyone had finished, there was the bowl with a little bit of coleslaw in the bottom, and the gladwrap on top. As they say, actions speak louder...

Andrew Sinclair created a bowl of - very nice stuff that I don't know the name of - below. Any simple fool can see Andrew's outstanding Aesthetics shining through in his creation here. I don't know if you'd go as far as saying that the decorations were not very manly. - I said "I don't know". Very tastefully presented The "very nice stuff that I don't know the name of" consists mainly of grated cheese and carrot, with boiled egg throughout - and on top, - and who knows what else? Far as I can remember, there wasn't any of Andrew's very nice stuff that I don't know the name of left at the end of it all.

Last minute Italian fare was my contribution to the already crowded table. Lyd made the sign for me - it says: Oregano Tomato Pasta - a very original Italian name, I thought... Maybe Andromedo Italiano would be more fitting? Anyway, I got up at 6am this morning to wack this cute wee number together. People seemed to like it. Which was good.

The table was well laden today, and we gathered up many baskets of left-overs. All three of the above dishes got positive comments, - and into people's stomachs, which is a good thing.

Lyd whipped something up too, and, being in a different genre, I can hardly rate it against the other three entries. American Chocolate Brownie. Very nice with a cup of tea, there weren't enough pieces toward the end, and the last few people had to content themselves with half-pieces. They were nice sizey pieces, too, - that plate is a large dinner plate...

All up, a particularly appetising spread. I think it would be fair to call Lyd the chef of the month - virtually everyone wanted a piece.

by Andy

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