Saturday, August 09, 2008

December 2005

John Sinclair made a pasta "salad" - mushrooms, twirly pasta and some mushrooms, decorated with a bit of parsley. John modestly described it as looking like a dog's breakfast. I'm not a dog, so I can't really comment on the taste side of it, but. It did look quite nice, though.

Andrew Sinclair made a "Mexican lasagna". As you can see from this excellent vantage point, we have a layer of beans, then corn chips, then more beans, more chips, more beans, then mashed potato. Topped with a generous sprinkle of pepper, and loaded up with cheese, this was definitely "up there" in the polls.

I made a pizza. Might not look like your typical pizza. This one's like two pizzas stuck together, the top one upside-down, stuck onto the bottom one - and I stuck the cheese on the top, otherwise it would've looked to plain. Had pineapple, bacon, cheese, can of tomatoes and some fried onion - Mum actually made the dough for me, but there you go.

The general verdict was that Andrew S.'s lasagna came in at the top. The majority of his votes came from the "older people". My pizza followed pretty close behind as far as I could tell, with most of my votes from the younger people. John's dish, as we pretty unanimously agreed, was in a different league from the others. Mark mentioned that it wouldn't be fair to judge our entries against Johns, seeing as John's was so good. His actions, however, did not speak as loud as his words. The bitter reality of it was that a good half of John's dish was left over. But that was cool.

I reckon, that for presentation, Andrew S. would get top marks, followed by John - the parsley.


There weren't any other entries. Though, it would be almost wrong of me not to include a picture of a cake Maria brought - which was very nice... I turned nineteen, you know.

by Andy

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Blogger Andrew S said...

CMA is gangstar'd

I look forward to seeing the fine cookery of the future months.

3:21 PM  

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